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February 28, 2008
Wickedly Funny YouTube Subprime Video
In general, my articles tend to be fairly serious. But, I think every once in awhile some humor is in order. As Mignon McLaughlin said, "A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles."
There is far too much doom and gloom these days. I am as aware as anybody of the number of people losing their homes, the high price of oil, the falling dollar and the volatile stock market. But I think the press drives us to unhealthy extremes of sentiment, especially when it comes to the economy and the stock market.
It scares me, the extent to which the press, which is largely ignorant of economics or finance, takes a stand that is so transparently intended to sensationalize rather inform, influences the day-to-day sentiment of tens of millions of otherwise bright people.
Let me give you an example. A day or two ago, the press started putting out headlines suggesting markets were reacting to a "fear of stagflation." All of a sudden, my inbox was flooded with emails mentioning stagflation, as if it were an invading army amassing on our border. "Should I change my portfolio given we are about to go into a period of stagflation?" Aggghhh!
The popularity of so-called fake news shows, like The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, (I hope) show us that Americans are pretty fed up with what passes for journalism today. Or maybe that is just me projecting how fed up I am onto everyone else. Who knows.
Good satire turns the words of the subject against them, and simply by reformulating them, shows us the absurdity of the original statement. In keeping with that sentiment, I offer you a spot on version of recent financial events from John Bird and John Fortune from the South Bank Show.
At last, British humor I can relate to! Thanks to Joe Mikus for the heads up on this one. FYI - run time is about 8 minutes.
Kim Snider Financial Communications makes no representation that the information and opinions expressed are accurate, complete or current. The opinions expressed should not be construed as financial, legal, tax, or other advice and are provided for informational purposes only. Call 866-952-0100 to request the Snider Investment Method™ Owner's Manual, which includes a description of the Snider Investment Method, investment objectives, risks, suitability and other information. Please read and consider carefully before investing. All investments are subject to risk, including possible loss of principal. Individual results may vary.
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Kim Snider is an author, speaker and host of Financial Success Coaching, Saturdays at noon, on KRLD Newsradio 1080, Dallas - Fort Worth. This blog is primarily devoted to empowering individual investors with information to help them be good stewards of their money. Above all, it is about achieving true financial success. Kim's book, How To Be the Family CFO: Four Simple Steps to Put Your Financial House in Order is in bookstores now. Order yours from Amazon or other fine booksellers today.
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